retinal specialists


Diagnosis & Treatment

Dr. Hooton giving an eye exam to an older gentleman.
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To provide the best possible eye care for patients in Eastern Idaho

Eye Specialists
What to expect from Premier Eye Care:
  • Knowledgeable, friendly, and thorough service
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Optimal eye health and vision
  • Comprehensive eye care, unique to you

Retinal Conditions

Illustration of eye anatomy featured on Premier EyeCare of Eastern Idaho's site, labeling key structures such as the sclera, iris, optic nerve, lens, conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and more, providing a comprehensive view of the eye's components.

Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO)

Acute, painless, partial, or complete loss of vision


BRAO is a blockage of one of the arteries in the retina and poses significant risks to vision. The most common causes of BRAO include cholesterol emboli from aorto-carotid atheromatous plaques, platelet-fibrin emboli from thrombotic disease (blood clot), and calcific emboli from cardiac valvular disease.

Risk factors

Risk factors for a BRAO include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, heart valve problems, intravenous drug abuse, atrial fibrillation, or history of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Having a family history of blood clots or clotting disorder also increases your risk.


Symptoms of a branch retinal artery occlusion include acute painless loss of vision or blurring in one eye. Vision loss may be complete or partial. Some patients may experience brief episodes (1-10 minutes) of vision loss known as amaurosis fugax prior to developing a BRAO, and some patients may be asymptomatic.


Following a BRAO, vision can range from normal to extremely limited. If you have had a BRAO, regular visits with your ophthalmologist are essential. Rarely, patients can develop neovascularization which leads to further vision loss and possibly glaucoma. Depending on your age, a focused workup will be performed to identify risk factors and find the cause (which can be identified in 90% of patients). Managing the cause, either medical or surgical, as well as controlling the factors causing the condition can lessen the chances of BRAO recurring, worsening over time, or having a stroke. Working with your general practitioner or cardiologist to best control any risk factors you may have can help to reduce the risk of a BRAO.

Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO)

A condition associated with high blood pressure
Doctor checking the blood pressure of a senior patient in Idaho Falls, highlighting the importance of monitoring high blood pressure in older adults for overall health and well-being.


Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO) is a blockage of one of the small veins (venules) in the retina and poses significant risks to vision. The arteries and veins in the retina share a common sheath where they cross each other. With time, the arteries become less like a garden hose and more like a lead pipe. This causes the artery to flatten the vein, thus stopping the flow of blood causing swelling and bleeding in the retina leading to decreased vision.

Risk factors

The main risk factors are high blood pressure, smoking, and high cholesterol which lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).


The symptom of a BRVO is an acute, painless change in your vision. You may notice decreased, misty, blurred, or distorted vision.


The mainstay of treatment is injections of medicine into the eye which have been proven to decrease swelling and improve vision. Careful observation is required as neovascularization (new leaky blood vessels) can form leading to decreased vision from swelling, vitreous hemorrhage, glaucoma, or tractional retinal detachment. A laser is sometimes employed to decrease the risk of neovascularization. Working with your primary care physician to treat the risk factors is also very important not only for the health of your eyes but also for your overall health.

Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)

Sudden, potentially permanent loss of vision primarily affecting those ages 50 to 70
Senior with glasses has his arms crossed


Central Retinal Artery Occlusion is a blockage of the central retinal artery, which results in sudden, painless, and potentially permanent, loss of vision across a wide area of the visual field.

Risk factors

  • CRAO usually occurs in people between the ages of 50 and 70.
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • diabetes
  • high cholesterol
  • coronary artery disease
  • heart valve problems
  • patent foramen ovale (heart anomaly)
  • intravenous drug abuse
  • atrial fibrillation
  • history of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • Having a family history of blood clots or clotting disorder also increases your risk.
  • Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is another disease that can cause a CRAO.


Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) blocks the central artery in the retina, causing a sudden and painless loss of vision.

Symptoms of this disease also include: headache, temporal tenderness, jaw pain while chewing food, weight loss, double vision, and decreased vision.


It is critical to get immediate treatment to try and avoid permanent loss of vision. Irreversible retinal damage occurs after 90 minutes, but vision may still be saved 24 hours after symptoms begin. The goal of emergency treatment is to restore retinal artery blood flow. A thorough medical evaluation is recommended after treatment. Working with your general practitioner or cardiologist to best control any risk factors you may have can help to reduce the risk of a CRAO.

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

A blockage causing decreased vision
Man rubbing his eye, struggling with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), which typically affects one eye and causes vision blurring or loss. CRVO can be painful due to increased eye pressure and is often associated with conditions like glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues.

Risk factors

CRVO often occurs with glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and blood disorders. It has also been associated with oral contraceptive use and obstructive sleep apnea.


CRVO usually is in one eye, causing a blurring or loss of vision in all or part of the eye. It can be painful because the blocked vein causes pressure in the eye.


The mainstay of treatment is injections of medicine into the eye which have been proven to decrease swelling and improve vision. Careful observation is required as neovascularization (new leaky blood vessels) can form leading to decreased vision from swelling, vitreous hemorrhage, glaucoma, or tractional retinal detachment. Laser is sometimes employed to decrease the risk of neovascularization. Working with your primary care physician to treat the risk factors is also very important not only for the health of your eyes but also for your overall health.

Lattice Degeneration

Typically affecting nearsighted patients 25 years and older
Woman with glasses taking a selfie, representing lattice degeneration, a peripheral retina condition where retinal tissue thins and blood vessels become scarred, creating a lattice-like appearance. This condition may sometimes lead to retinal detachment.


Lattice degeneration is a peripheral retina condition in which the retinal tissue is thinned, atrophied and the blood vessels are fibrosed (scarred) in a “lattice-like” appearance. Lattice lesions, usually localized, appear as round/oval or linear patches in the far peripheral retina. In uncommon cases, it may be accompanied by retinal detachment.

Risk factors

The typical patient with lattice degeneration is over 25 years of age and usually, but not always, nearsighted. There is currently no known procedure for the prevention of lattice degeneration, although accompanying retinal detachment can be prevented with lasers or cryoretinopexy.


The patient usually does not experience any symptoms, except for possible complaints of flashing lights.


Lattice degeneration is present in about 8 percent of the general population, 45% of the time affects both eyes, and occurs in about 30 percent of eyes with retinal detachment.


Most of the time, no treatment is needed. Lasers or cryoretinopexy are sometimes used prophylactically to help prevent retinal detachments in more risky appearing eyes (eyes with atrophic holes, traction, and/or subretinal fluid in the lattice).

Macular Pucker / Epiretinal Membrane

Scar tissue distorting vision
Ophthalmologist examining a woman for macular pucker at Premier EyeCare of Eastern Idaho. Macular pucker, or epiretinal membrane (ERM), involves scar tissue forming on the macula, affecting central vision by distorting the macular surface. This condition can arise from cells migrating to the macula's surface, often due to posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) or other underlying issues.


A macular pucker or epiretinal membrane (ERM) is scar tissue that forms on the macula, the portion of the retina responsible for central vision (reading, driving, etc.). An ERM results from cells migrating either out of the retina or from under the retina to the surface of the macula where they form a collagen membrane. The membrane then can contract and cause distortion of the underlying macular surface and vision. Any condition that allows cells normally found under the retina to propagate on the surface can lead to a macular pucker or epiretinal membrane, the most common being a posterior vitreous detachment or PVD (see Flashes and Floaters and Posterior Vitreous Detachment). An ERM is also sometimes called a retinal wrinkle, premacular fibrosis, and cellophane maculopathy. Its nasty first cousin is proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), the number one cause of failure of retinal detachment repair surgery.

An ERM is another of several diseases that affects the macula. The ERM affects the front side of the retina while macular degeneration affects the underside of the retina. Although the symptoms are superficially somewhat similar, an ERM is definitely not macular degeneration. It has a distinct mechanism of action, prognosis, and therapy.

Risk factors

PVD, previous trauma to the eye, previous retinal tear or detachment, previous laser performed on the retina and/or previous inflammation in the eye.


The primary symptom of an ERM is the gradual development of distortion in vision in one eye – straight lines can appear wavy. Usually the distortion develops over weeks to months. After this initial contraction phase, the distortion often remains stable for a long period, if not indefinitely. Patients who are ready to consider surgery for an ERM often complain that they have to close the affected eye in order to effectively read. The problem is that the brain tries to mesh the images of the two eyes, and in the case of severe distortion coming from one eye, the two images cannot properly mesh and the overall experience of vision degrades. Unlike macular degeneration, it is very rare for ERM to produce symptoms in more than one eye.


The majority of patients with an ERM need no treatment. Either they have no symptoms or have adjusted well to the mild distortion they experience. If symptoms affect activities of daily living, vitrectomy surgery can be performed. During this procedure, the vitreous gel is removed and specialized forceps are used to peel the scar tissue off the surface of the retina. (see Epiretinal Membrane Surgery). Surgery can be performed to remove the membrane, improve the retinal surface, and improve vision.


Condition typically affecting patients 20 to 50 years old
Close-up of a woman's eyes affected by uveitis, an inflammation of the uvea, which includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Uveitis can be caused by allergens, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, autoimmune diseases, or trauma to the eye.


Uveitis is inflammation of the uvea, the center section of the eye made up of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Causes of uveitis include allergens, viruses, bacteria, chemicals/medications, autoimmune diseases, and direct trauma to the eye.

Risk factors

Uveitis occurs most frequently in people aged 20 to 50. It is more common in women than men, and more likely to develop with age. Uveitis can also be caused by autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis, or by exposure to toxins. It can also be associated with AIDS, psoriasis, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, and several other conditions and infections.


  • Red eyes
  • Burning sensation
  • Itchy eyes
  • Discharge and/or tearing
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Floating dark spots in your field of vision
  • Pain or soreness of the eye


Treatment addresses the underlying cause, whether infectious, autoimmune or related to medication or trauma. Therefore, uveitis is usually treated in conjunction with your primary care physician, infectious disease specialist, or rheumatologist. Systemic control of the underlying disease is achieved with oral or IV antibiotics, antivirals, steroids, immunosuppressive, and pain medications. Eye drops and possibly injections in the eye with these agents are also usually warranted. Wearing sunglasses and using dilating drops can significantly improve light sensitivity and ocular irritation from the uveitis.

Uveitis generally goes away with proper treatment, but relapses are common, especially when the underlying condition still exists. Vision can be permanently affected.


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Call or schedule an appointment to get a more in-depth look at your eye health.

Contact Us

What are the causes of Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO)?

The most common causes of BRAO include cholesterol emboli from aorto-carotid atheromatous plaques, platelet-fibrin emboli from thrombotic disease (blood clot), and calcific emboli from cardiac valvular disease.

How can I prevent Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRVO)?

Eating a low-fat diet and getting regular exercise are the top two ways to decrease your chances of  BRVO. Maintaining an ideal weight an dnot smoking can also help prevent BRVO.
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Our Locations

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 3:00pm
Idaho Falls, ID
2100 Providence Way Idaho Falls, ID 83404

Located South of EIRMC and Sunnyside Rd in Idaho Falls

Location Details
(208) 529-6600
Pocatello, ID
1777 E Clark St #310 Pocatello, ID 83201

Located on Clark St. right off of I-15 take exit 69. Between 16th & 17th Ave.

Location Details
(208) 232-4133
Rexburg, ID
23 Sawtelle Ave Suite 102 Rexburg, ID 83440

Right off of Main Street West of HWY-20 across from Valley Wide Country Store & Blister's BBQ.

Location Details
(208) 359-1888
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